I have very long, very straight light brown hair which hangs almost to my waist. I'm 37 and work in a very conservative business environment. I have fun with my hair - I do a different hair style almost every day - braids (french, inverted, pigtail, partial pull-back, etc), ponytails (regular with nice ponytail barrette or inverted), and sometimes a little of both (inverted pony tail that is braided and looped). On my lazy days I just wear a headband and let my hair drop to my waist. None of this takes more than 2-3 minutes due to lots of practice.
I was curious what everyone's take on this is. Considering that I'm staring down the barrel of the big 4-0 and my conservative work environment, do you think it seems out of place? I've always marched to the beat of my own drum and like to show my individuality where I can. In the land of the business suit, do you think this would appear too childish or not serious? Would you take an almost middle-aged woman serious who wore hair like this?
Very, very long straight hair in workplace?
Dragonlady! I am 38 and I, too, have long straight hair (it is to my waist). I also have worked in conservative environments and I say: do what you want with your hair! I tend to twist my hair up into a bun (it's quite a big bun), for lack of imagination and to keep it out of my way, but it sounds as though you have great fun with your hair. As long as you are comfortable with your hair and it doesn't get in your way, wear it as you wish. Celebrate your hair and your age, girl!
Very, very long straight hair in workplace?
Keep marching.
Very, very long straight hair in workplace?
I would not take a middle aged woman seriously with that hair. It's time for a change.
Very, very long straight hair in workplace?
I think that long hair is a little young for you. Cutting your hair for
"Locks of Love" means your hair wont be wasted and I promise you'll a lot younger with shorter hair! Short hair is really in, and so is straight hair so it should be a breeze for you to pull that look off.
Very, very long straight hair in workplace?
It might be very distracting. Some like long hair and some dont. I would say if you love it keep it. Otherwise if you cut a few inches off it will be more healthy and it will always grow back so why dont you just try something new?
Very, very long straight hair in workplace?
I think if you have to ask, then you probably already know the answer deep down inside.
It's a conservative business environment. How many other women do you see in similar environments doing the things with their hair that you describe?
Very, very long straight hair in workplace?
I love long hair! I have been trying to grow mine out for 2 years. I also love the fact that your hair is so versatile. But i would not recommend pigtails, i think in a grown up, conservative work environment pigtails are just not the appropriate hair style.
Very, very long straight hair in workplace?
I think that anything short of the pigtails could be pulled off as conservative as long as you are not using childish looking barrettes or decorations in your hair. It sounds like you are putting a good effort into polishing your appearance which should be appreciated even if it doesn't conform to the average office hairstyle. If the company you represent expresses any concerns, you sound creative enough to come up with a compromise that satifies them while still expressing yourself. You're as young as you feel, don't change too much!!!
Very, very long straight hair in workplace?
I am almost 50 and wear longer hair.
You should not cut it.
However, you need a conservative look for work.
I would wear it up in chignons, or anything else "up and in place". A braid is OK too, if you can put the bottom into a bun.
Ponytails are too casual for work, they are for around the house. Stay with classy looks for work and take it down when you leave the office.
Very, very long straight hair in workplace?
It seems like you are very attached to your hair. But on the other hand it seems like you already know that not only some of the styles that you wear, but also that the length of hair is not appropriate for a conservative business environment. Perhaps go half way and cut half off and use more traditional styles. You already admitted that you have always marched to the beat of your own drum. That should be another reason you should know your hair is not totally appropriate for your job.
When you are off work you can do your hair any way you please. But respect of the business environment will only get you further ahead and respected more. If you don't want to cut it pull it up in a nice tight bun. Wearing most of the styles you mentioned we unfortuantely cool but not appropriate. Wear the fun styles when you are off. Business is business and it is a known fact that too long of hair is not becoming as we age. Women generally look better with shorter, cropped hair.
I really believe that in your heart of hearts you already knew that what you were doing was not truly appropriate for your business environment. What you do in your off time is when you should beat to your own drum.
Kudos to you for realizing and reaching out for different opinions, but in the end you must follow your own heart and mind. Best of Luck to you and don't worry about the big 40!!! You will find life only gets better from here on in!!!
Very, very long straight hair in workplace?
I also have long hair and cutting it is not an option. When mine was at my waist I did all kinds of fun styles. I used to tell my boys that I could go a month without the same style. I agree the look should stay on the conservative side to match you environment. Your hair is God given and have fun with your locks.
Very, very long straight hair in workplace?
When you are on your deathbed do you want to remember:
I conformed to that stuffy office.
I was always true to myself.
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