Thursday, April 26, 2012

What is quickest way to take extension braids out of my hair?

The braid are very tiny and I am dreading the time it will take to remove them.

What is quickest way to take extension braids out of my hair?

Do what my cousin does! Cut the braids about a inch away from where you think your hair stops. Wet the braids, put baby oil on them, and let them slide right out on their own. It beats having to pick and pull every one. Braids are beautiful but they do take a long time to put them in and take them out. Men dont understand what we go through to be beautiful.

What is quickest way to take extension braids out of my hair?

Washing them might wrok. You could try that. Or maybe you could spray some hair spray onto it. (the untangling spray type)

What is quickest way to take extension braids out of my hair?

put in a whole bottle of conditioner on your head to loosen them (let it sit for a little) cut as much of the braid that u are for sure is not you real hair. it definitely cuts the time in half. it is time consuming regardless, think of how long it took to put it in. the best idea is find a friend to help u out.

What is quickest way to take extension braids out of my hair?

What you need to do is cut the braid up to where you think your real hair stops. Then you can do one of two things; take a comb with a rat-tail and take them out like that. Or you can un-briad each of them from where you cut them, this one takes a little longer. But it mostly depends how what type of briads you have and how small they are. if you have micros it's going to take longer.

What is quickest way to take extension braids out of my hair?

The quickest way: Don't get them to begin with. Be happy with your natural hair.

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