Thursday, April 26, 2012

What's wrong with natural hair?

I am in a huge debate with a friend of mine on the issue of hair. Both of us are of mixed ethnicity with coarse, kinky, thick manes of hair. I wear mine in braids (Alicia Keys style) and she relaxes hers straight.

Our argument is about the fact that we're both leaving undergrad school and going into "the real world" before tackling graduate school. My friend thinks I should ditch my braids for a more 'professional' look and I say that people should accept me for who I am and the quality of work I bring to the table.

Both of us are social work students and are looking to go to law school in 2-3 years after we work and save up some $$.

Any thoughts on who has more reason in this debate? FYI-I keep my braids very neat and have them re-done every 5 weeks. Same with my friend-gets her hair touched up every 5-6 weeks.

If I have to adapt a more "corporate America" look, I will, but not without a fight (-:

What's wrong with natural hair?

As a professional in social work, I can tell you that the way you wear your hair (as long as it is clean) does not indicate your professionalism. In fact I might suggest that that what is really being coded here is racism and not professionalism. I wonder if what people are saying if you look more "white" you will look more "professional".


What's wrong with natural hair?

i say keep the braids =)

What's wrong with natural hair?

idont know what ur talking bout but i think the natural look is in and the fake is out because nobody wears weave anymore so jus keep going natural gurl!!!!!!


What's wrong with natural hair?

I agree with you, your hair does not make you, character is what classify you a professional. I has in the navy for 8 years I wore my hair bunned and pinned up, since getting out I have opted for a more natural look. I have a professional admin job and it works out great. I think today people are so caught up on the exterior they never make it to th interior. I am referring yo your obvious intelligence (grad go girl). Hair is a matter of style. It is not different from you nail color or you purses. Go with what feels right, because you will never feel 100% confident in yourself if you do not love what you see in the mirror. Trust me!

What's wrong with natural hair?

Whether or not you like to believe it, EVERYONE judges you by your appearance.

I think your friend is right, braids are a very juvenile look. More for a 13 year old girl then a college graduate. It doesn't matter how neat you have them, still a childish look.

Try something a little more adult. It doesn't have to be professional and boring. Just have fun with it.

OF course, you don't have to follow my advice. Be yourself. If you don't want to change your hair, then don't!

I'm aware I just contradicted myself. Get over it. XD

What's wrong with natural hair?

There are a lot of ways to look professional. You don't have to completely sacrifice your personal style, even if you choose to modify it somewhat. Remember that people do judge us by first impressions, so if you don't get in the door, you may not be able to bring it to the table. I would love to do some wild stuff to my hair, but it doesn't suit my lifestyle right now.

I encourage you to go on to law school asap because once you begin working and accumulating stuff, it's really hard to go back to school. It's hard to save money, especially if you're living on your own.

Good luck.

What's wrong with natural hair?

This sounds like a touchy subject! But I will attempt!

I am a business student about to enter the "real world" you talk about. I have grown up around ethnic people (REALLY NOT TRYING TO SOUND AWFUL), so I hear there is a bunch of confusion on "what's professional." I would say, Maybe you could find a style of braid that is "more professional", but I must admit that I have heard professional is a more simplistic look. Although, your braids are a so-called "cultural" look...I am sure you could be considered professional. If you're going into social work, you'll be fine as long as your clean-cut and represent who you are to your best degree. Either hair-do is acceptable in that portion of work. Besides if you're going to be working with children, they may see you as sticking to your roots! and not trying to avoid who you are! I don't want to sound judgemental but I would just stick to a classic braid, it would be acceptable.

Good luck with your debate and I hope everything gets resolved! :-D

What's wrong with natural hair?

well it sounds like you agree with her a little, but you need to think this: it's your hair and you should choose what to do with it.

however, i personally think think that braids are juvenille. try somethind like getting a straighter and shorter style, like around your shoulders, with an angle. it looks REALLY good with a half- up-half-down style, and can go from a corporate america to a laid back look (in a ponytail).

What's wrong with natural hair?

your both right you should be who you are and your work speaks for itself. At the same time though for a job that deals with people alot "people's perceptions" also matter, meaning they could hire according to appearance.

What's wrong with natural hair?

There's nothing wrong with natural Hair at all

What's wrong with natural hair?

Hello. I have the same problem. My hair is very wavy. I usually just wear product in it, but no matter how good my hair looks wavy, I've noticed that I'm taken more seriously when I straighten it. I don't think that it's because people have a preference for straight hair. Rather, I think that curly hair or braids imply youthfulness whereas straight hair gives off a more polished, mature look. Nevertheless, if you have a preference for your braids, I wouldn't go for the straight look. There's no hair style you could adopt that would offset the value of your credentials and there is no point in paying for a look you are not happy with.

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