Monday, April 23, 2012

Growing Out My Hair?

I have coarse hair and I was thinking about keeping braids to get my hair longer for next year.

Would it be okay if I wore micro braids? Or should I stick to cornrows? I've seen plenty of growth with the cornrows but when I had micros they broke off my hair? I might have just cut it really short on accident, but I'm still not sure.

Growing Out My Hair?


I've been braiding for about 6 years now, and it has been my experience that cornrows better help the hair grow. There is less stress on the hair with cornrows verses micros because of the amount of hair braided into the cornrows. Have you noticed that when you have Micros, the tend to say tighter longer, causing your head to feel sore for a longer period of time? Its because of the small sections that are parted, and every piece of hair that the Micros are braided onto has the same amount of stress, causing the hair to break. With cornrows, there is less breakage because of the surface area that it covers. The sections are larger, and there is less stress added to the hair over all.

I think about it like this... If you take a few strands of hair, and tug on them, most of them will break off. But if you brush you hair up into a ponytail, and give that a tug, its less likely that you get any breakage.

Hope that helped.

Growing Out My Hair?

Any kind of braid can cause breakage if they are too tight.

Growing Out My Hair?

I think any braids would work. Because your hair is resting.

Growing Out My Hair?

hummmm i would try cornrows... but maybe ask some ppl if they had any trouble with microbraids. maybe try some hair breakage prevent products to help!

Growing Out My Hair?

ok any type of braids will work I say because you won't be messing with your hair as much as normal because it will be in a fixed position. with micro braids I think the main reason it grows so much is because all of the extra hair products that you have to put on it to upkeep the hairstyle. If you neglect them and not take them out just right the end result could be you loosing hair. with braids you'll have to take them down alot sooner. If it were me i'd just stick to cornrows ^_~. hope i helped

Growing Out My Hair?

Micros can and will break your har, especially around the senstive edges. Corn rows braided too tightly around the edges can have the same effect. You hair will grow with teh braid, but in the end you'll have to cut off about one inch or more of dead ends when you take them out. To grow your hair, I'd recommend taking a mutivitamin and drinking tons of water daily. Also, do deep conditioning and hot oil treatments with olive oil.

Growing Out My Hair?

trim your hair every 6 weeks

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