I am white I mean white! My daughter is mixed with Dominican and Puerto Rican from her fathers side, she has very curly hair it is very soft like mine so the curls are not heavy enough to drop so I have to keep it short because she looks like she stuck her finger in an outlet if I don't, God love her she is beautiful, but she wants long hair like her friends and she is 6 in the 2nd grade so she asked me if she could get braids like one of her black friends. As a white woman I know nothing about getting braids, I do know that they can either be sewn in or braided in. Which is better for her hair? I don't want to damage her hair and I have heard that braids can cause her hair to fall out. If any one out there can suggest what I should do I would appreciate it. Thanks
Hair Extentions for my daughter?
You can get clip in extensions for your daughter. They are safe and really easy to put in. I happen to have them myself and let me tell you, they are fabulous! And if you need to pick between braids and sewn in I suggest sewn in. They dont make your hair fall out.
Hair Extentions for my daughter?
Take her to an up-scale salon and get their advice!
Hair Extentions for my daughter?
no extensions or braids are good. they can be very damaging for the hair especially as ur daughter is at such a young age i wouldnt recomend this.just encourage her to continue growing her hair.
Hair Extentions for my daughter?
6 seems a lil too young for hair extensions. I would not suggest braided or sewn in. Sewn in hurts sooo bad, and it will hurt even worse for a 6 year old because they cant handle pain as well as older people. Like the other person said, just get clip-ins if you really think she needs extensions. Maybe when shes older she can handle the real ones but as for right now i dont suggest it.
Hair Extentions for my daughter?
Extensions really damage hair and if her hair is soft will damage her hair even more causing it to split and is difficult to get it back in to condition, it is quite costly and causes quite a lot of pain. have you thought about a chemical straightener
Hair Extentions for my daughter?
Look in the yellow pages under hair braiding. There are a lot of African Braiding salons that are popping up all over. They are expensive, but they know a lot about braids and how it will effect hair. If the right person does them and you take care of them, she should be fine.
Hair Extentions for my daughter?
she wants braids not extensions.
braiding her hair will make it seem longer.
call her friends' mom and ask if she can show you how to braid it. trust me, she won't mind.
Hair Extentions for my daughter?
Your daughter's hair sounds beautiful, but yes, mixed hair can be difficult to deal with. Braids, when done right by a PROFESSIONAL are not damaging to the hair - they can actually give the hair rest from regular styling and promote growth. They can last about a month or longer, she can style them herself and it will give you a little peace of mind, too. Take your daughter to a professional salon with lots of experience styling ethnic hair for more insights. Look in magazines with her for pictures of the style she wants and take them with you - the stylist can tell you what is possible and your daughter will get a kick out of being part of the process! Good luck!
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