Saturday, April 14, 2012

How do you french braid your own hair???

Look here --%26gt;

It's a great site with pictures (and names obviously) of all possible braids and step-by-step instructions on how to make them (also with pictures).

Hope I helped you :)

How do you french braid your own hair???

It's actually really easy.. you just braid backwards.. best to try this infront of a mirror.. Keep trying till you get it

How do you french braid your own hair???

Don't french braid!Its ugly and painful.But here's a cute look for you.OK.First follow my steps for a cute style!

1.Brush hair until straight.

2.Put two dots of conditioner on hand.

3.Use one dot for top of head,and other dot for bottom.((don't rinse))

4.Take half of your hair(scalp side) and put it up.

5.Take the other half(bottom side) and curl it.

6.Then the part that's sticking out from the scrunchies,curl it too.

7.Then put hair spray for a perfect finish!

8.Enjoy hair and have a cute 10 min hair style

How do you french braid your own hair???

Its very easy you just have to practice tell you get it.

How do you french braid your own hair???

Practice, it takes some time to get it right. Once you have it down it's easy and fast. If you don't know how to braid at all practice on someone else first, that will be less frustrating.

How do you french braid your own hair???

I just do. I guess you practice on someone else alot then you practice on youself alot.

How do you french braid your own hair???

I have trouble french braiding my own hair. I have no trouble when doing someone else's hair but when I braid my own I end up braiding it so that the braid is inverted and sticks up instead of tucks in. No idea why I have such trouble.

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