This is my first time in college away from home. This is the first time that i actually had to share a room with someone else. When we first moved in, she seemed like a really nice person, but after a few weeks i noticed that she doesnt shower daily. Not only does she not bath, she has braids in her hair and she hasnt washed her hair since we been here either. The reason i know that she is not showering daily is because we share a bath room. When she does bath, it is only like once a week. I cant take the smell. Everytime i come back in the room, thats all i smell. I dont know about anyone else, but I hate smelling other people. Whenever she leaves the room, i spray her bed with lysol to try and get rid of the smell, but it doesnt work. I also buy air freshener and put around the room, but that doesnt work either.
How to deal with a roommate that doesnt shower or wash her hair?
You need to get another roommate, unless you and she are close enough friends that you can risk confiding in her without her getting all bent out of shape that, although she may not be aware of it, she smells bad after not taking a shower for a couple days. If you can't do that, get another roommate.
How to deal with a roommate that doesnt shower or wash her hair?
gotta just tell her.
How to deal with a roommate that doesnt shower or wash her hair?
Cant you ask to switch rooms? If not, have some balls and tell her to get her smelly *** in the shower!!! You live there too ya know!
How to deal with a roommate that doesnt shower or wash her hair?
i dind't read what you typed except for title, but kinda slightly walk past or lean next to when you are next to him/her and say... "ugh... What is that smell???"
it'll change something... probably more than their hair...
How to deal with a roommate that doesnt shower or wash her hair?
If Lysol doesn't kill the smell, nothing else will. That stuff kills bacteria and germs.
Is she going through a hippie phase? That happens a lot in college.
How to deal with a roommate that doesnt shower or wash her hair?
i had the same problem with my roommate the first year of college. of course i just suffered through the stench for one whole year
How to deal with a roommate that doesnt shower or wash her hair?
If you can, we use those candles that burn away completely to mask the smells of our old food. You should probably just talk to her and explain your concerns. Having a roomate is all about compromise and hopefully you can resolve the issue. If not, you could always switch to another room.
How to deal with a roommate that doesnt shower or wash her hair?
Request a new roomate. the housing department can arrange that easy. All you have to do is come up with a reason. Just say that you and your roomate dont agree on some things. They will keep it private and wont let her know. You will have to tell her that you are moving out, but then after that it is all done with. Good luck.
How to deal with a roommate that doesnt shower or wash her hair?
Id tell her straight up,,"******,,get in the shower %26amp; wash your stank azz". If she doesnt like it,,get another roommate %26amp; who cares what she thinks.Somebody's got to tell her,,it my as well be you.I wouldnt be able to stand the funk.
How to deal with a roommate that doesnt shower or wash her hair?
Get a new roommate before you catch lyce lol..
How to deal with a roommate that doesnt shower or wash her hair?
Uhhh, YUCK..
Man, ive known some grimy filthy guys who wouldnt bath-but ive never met a chick like that. How nasty. Does she have a boyfriend? I cant imagine.
Is she pretty? I mean if she cleaned herself up would she be pretty? She sounds like a real case. I feel sorry for you.
How to deal with a roommate that doesnt shower or wash her hair?
tell her to take a shower by saying "why dont you take a shower?"
How to deal with a roommate that doesnt shower or wash her hair?
Well, I think I would tell her, and um don't wait for her to leave to spray the place.
Or maybe unwrap a bunch of those pine car de-oderisers and lay them all over her stuff. And you may want to tell an RA hygene can be a big issue in a dorm setting, there are diseases that can be spread.
How to deal with a roommate that doesnt shower or wash her hair?
Be honest enough to let her know how you feel about the situation. Maybe you two can discuss topics like personal hygeine and how does this affects you and the persons around you.hopefully she'll get the message across.but in case this doesnt change her a bit, then i advise that you look for a better place to board... free from all of these odorous smell.
How to deal with a roommate that doesnt shower or wash her hair?
Buy her some scented body wash and lotions. Leave them on her bed and when she comes in talk to her about it. Don't be mean, she probably doesn't realize she smells bad and will probably be embarassed. Tell her you don't mean to hurt her feelings, but if she doesn't make a change you're going to have to find another room mate.
How to deal with a roommate that doesnt shower or wash her hair?
one of my friends was like that so i eventually got some of my friends that know him to make comments around him so it didn't come back on me.
i hope this helped
How to deal with a roommate that doesnt shower or wash her hair?
Be open and honest tell this RM that she needs to bathe or just bring up the subject on hygeine and express your feelings about filth and how nasy it is in your opinion ....put the nastiness down not your RM because chances are she has enough trouble keeping herself up w/o someone degrading her you will catch more flies with honey than vinegar
also try febreeze it works wonders
How to deal with a roommate that doesnt shower or wash her hair?
You have to tell her--be as diplomatic as possible--but if in the end-she gets mad and hates u for tellin her she stinks--OH WELL- who wants a stinky friend anyway?.
How to deal with a roommate that doesnt shower or wash her hair?
Sit down with her and get straight to the point. Let her know that you in no way want to hurt her feelings, but are concerned that she does not practice good hygiene and that it is offensive. That you don't want to loose her as a roommate, but that it is hard to live with the odor. This is not an easy thing to do, but if you are going to share a room with her then it must be resolved. If you do not address this issue before long you will start resenting her every time she walks through the door and you will only wind up hurting yourself with bitterness towards her. That is when feelings really get hurt.
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