Wondering if it's ok to shampoo or is their some other alternative ? Hope someone can help..
I have Microbraids,%26amp; am wondering how to wash my hair without causing the braids to come undone?
I just took some down 4 days ago. Whatever u do, dont shampoo. The suds will cause your braids to swell and slip right off. Buy some Seabreeze and saturate cotton balls with it and part your hair with your fingers taking the cotton ball and rubbing the scalp until you have done your entire head. When you are ready to take em out, buy some Choleterol conditioner (peach color) and put the entire jar in your head...just cake it in, put on a shower cap, and go to bed. When u wake up, 90% of your braids will be next to you in the bed. Shampoo the rest out in the shower. Remember u cant get a relaxer for 48 hrs after u shampoo ur hair so pull out one of your wig masterpieces or borrow a cap from your bro. Good Luck!
I have Microbraids,%26amp; am wondering how to wash my hair without causing the braids to come undone?
juss wash it the way that u wash your hair it is not going to mess up the braids i do it all the time
I have Microbraids,%26amp; am wondering how to wash my hair without causing the braids to come undone?
Just wash it lyk u wash u normal hair den after dry it den moose it if it is frizzy k but i doubt it will be
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