Saturday, April 14, 2012

I have recently (saturday) taking my micro braids down and my hair seems to be thin.?

What products or creams should i use to make it thick again? I had the micros for two months. My hair is natural curly. Please help!

I have recently (saturday) taking my micro braids down and my hair seems to be thin.?

After using Pantene, it generally makes my hair thick and full so Pantene might work. You should probably put a cap on and leave it in for about 45 minutes. If possible, sit under a dryer or get in the shower to make the conditioner "work." Another product that I use is the Lisa's Hair Elixer by Carol's Daughter. It's great for helping the hair to restore itself as a result of damage. There are also conditioners and shampoos by Carol's Daughter; but I haven't tried these yet. I hope this helps!

I have recently (saturday) taking my micro braids down and my hair seems to be thin.?

yeah ,exactly everything the girl above said.!!!

good luck

I have recently (saturday) taking my micro braids down and my hair seems to be thin.?

Your hair actually isn't thinner. It just seems that way because you had gotten used to all that hair from the microbraids, So when you took it out it seem strange like your hair fell out when actually it probably grew. But if your really concerned, make sure you got a good relaxer afterwards, good trim, and you keep it up and things will get back to normal. You have to get use to having you real hair again. I go through the same thing every summer, because I get microbraids everysummer.

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