Saturday, April 14, 2012

Is it hard to french braid your own hair/?

If its easy can u tell me how to do it


Is it hard to french braid your own hair/?

of course it's hard

Is it hard to french braid your own hair/?

It isn't all that hard. You basically have to practice. It does get a little tireing on your arms though. It just takes a bit of practice!

Is it hard to french braid your own hair/?

Its much easier to get someone to do it for you. It will take forever and to be able to make the braids tight you probably couldn't pull your own hair like a professional does.

Is it hard to french braid your own hair/?

it might b hard at first but u can get the hang of it if u do it a lot u jst start @ the top of ur head and start braiding w/ pieces of hair and then work down ur head adding more pieces, pretty soon ull jst b reguraly braidin ur hair

Is it hard to french braid your own hair/?

i think its hard, but my little sister does it all the time on her own hair. she just stands in a spot where she can see the back of her head while she's braiding.

Is it hard to french braid your own hair/?

wow i guess no one can explain how to do to it in writing (well i cant) all i know is that my aunt does it, i know how to do it but i cant manage it because its hard reaching out to the back to make a french plait, esp if u dont know how to make it, so i suggest to ask sum1 else 2 do it 4 ya

Is it hard to french braid your own hair/?

no definately not. I do it all the time you just have to know how to do it well, and have strong enough arms to withstand having them up long enough to do it! LoL

Is it hard to french braid your own hair/?

it isn't hard if you learn how to do it. once you get used to doing it to yourself, you will be able to do it on yourself in minutes and others as well.

start with the top section of your hair. use a comb to make it even. separate this section into 3 pieces, just like you would in a normal, non-french braid. Start by crossing over, like you would with a normal braid, once you have it crossed 2 times, pick up a section of hair that is not already in the braid. if you are crossing the right piece over to the left, pick up a piece of hair from the right side of your head. make sure to get all the hair from your hairline back.

combine this piece of hair into the braid. cross it over, and do the same for the piece coming from the left. pick up piece of hiar from left side of head, and combine and cross.

just remember that. combine and cross. combine and cross.

i would suggest practicing on someone else's head first, then once you get the hang of it, try it on yourself.

not sure if you are interested, but if you are, an inside out french braid, looks like the braid is on top of your head kind of, is the smae idea, but cross under not over.

good luck, and if you need to, practice on a doll. :]

Is it hard to french braid your own hair/?

check the links below for beauty tips to:-- * French Braid-

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