You alwaz be wantin to play thet cuz you no you iz gwine to win. Taint fare. You done got all that har from my side of the family. well I guesss we is from the same side of the family but still aint fare.
Should we choose up sides and braid arm pit hair?
I cane go nowhered, I done tore my paints.
Asides, it'd take It閳ユ獟l take three men and a fat boy to braid all of my hair.
Should we choose up sides and braid arm pit hair?
Now that there iz some classy tetches, I tell ya! It a sign of good breedin' when a gal cares how she looks!
Should we choose up sides and braid arm pit hair?
What do you get when you mix a bunch of hillbillies with a silly wabbit?
Used to be rabbit it's
stylish arm pit hair apparently.
I know....sad ain't it?
Should we choose up sides and braid arm pit hair?
ooh, i thought you said brad pitt arm hair
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