Monday, April 23, 2012

Wavy hair ?

i have wavy,thick,poofy hair and i want my hair to be wavy but without poof and frizz

do u think if i straightened my hair and then put it in a braid and slept my hair would still be wavy when i took it out?

or should i braid it wet? would i have tons of poof and frizz

Wavy hair ?

My hair is wavy and thick. It USED to be poofy until I finally learned how to manage it:

NEVER brush it once it's dry. I don't even comb my hair once it's dry. Do all that detangling comb stuff only when your hair is WET. If you brush/comb dry (wavy) hair, that will only break up the waves and make it frizzy %26amp; undefined. You want to do the OPPOSITE: define them. Yes, braiding hair while wet and letting it dry like that WOULD help define the waves.

Also, I would suggest only COMBING wet hair. Wet hair is weaker. If you vigorously brush wet hair, it's more prone to breakage and split ends.

To add even more control and shine, invest in some styling products. Expensive salon stuff isn't necessary. I really like Garnier Fructis, from Target.

I rub some styling creme on the ends to seal them and slightly weigh down the volume (NEVER apply product to the roots of your hair near the scalp, it'll only look dirty and gross). Sometimes I use a shine serum through the ends of my hair when it's still damp.

Generally, look for products using the words "define," "texture," "smooth," or "shine."

Try not to straighten your hair too much, in the long run it will only add split ends.

Finally, try length. If your hair isn't already long, grow it out a bit. The more hair you have, the more it is weighed down, so the less it will poof out. If you get a short bob, for example, your wavy hair would become even more voluminous.

Overall, find a styling product that works for you and apply only to the ends and a bit upward, never to the scalp, and it works best on wet hair (hair becomes frizzy as it dries due to the moisture getting sucked out, SEAL in the hair strand while it is still damp/wet.) And never brush out your hair once it's dry.

Peace and good luck!

Wavy hair ?

staighenin it first then put in a braid. cuz if u do it while its wet them ur gonna have a problem(a very very bad hair day)= ]閳?br>Wavy hair ?

braid it wet with conditioner in it.

Wavy hair ?

braid it wet, it will only be poofy and frizzy if you dont tightent the braids enough

Wavy hair ?

My hair is VERY wavy and poofy, probably a lot like yours. I don't know if your hair is long or short, but I've had it both ways. Longer is better! The longer your hair is the less frizzy it will be. The length of your hair weighs down the hairs that stick up. Everyone's hair is different, so the best way would be to try different methods. Here's the method that works best for me:

If your hair is long,

If you've ever seen the Disney movie Aladdin, do your hair like Jasemine's. Put it in a ponytail, then put another hair elastic about halfway down. Let it air dry.

Wavy hair ?

you could always buy some frizz free glossing spray. It will make it shiny and if you follow the directions, rid you of the frizz.

Wavy hair ?

omg i have the SAME HAIR! what works for me is after i get out of the shower, i don't towel dry my hair. i put garnier fructis sleek %26amp; shine smoothing milk in it, don't comb it, and then wrap it in a towel. i leave it on for a little while, then unwrap it and squeeze out the excess water. it dries my hair quickly. then i comb my hair and put sunsilk anti-poof 24/7 creme (it's the best it works so well) only on my ends so i don't lose all the volume. next i put herbal essences totally twisted curl boosting mousse in and comb it through, then i scrunch. i let the waves form for a couple minutes, then i use a diffuser, but i don't dry it completely, only mostly so i don't go outside with really wet hair, but my hair still has some natural feel to it

then i straighten my bangs, but that's a different story!

hope this helps!

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