Saturday, April 14, 2012

How can i get my hair like this !?! LINK INSIDE?

i LOVE kate hudsons hair. i have naturally curly hair already.i have tryed braiding it, but that never works for me. i am looking for a product or something i can do to my already curly hair to make it like hers. no curlers or curling iron if possible

How can i get my hair like this !?! LINK INSIDE?

well you could like mabey get one of those loose perms.

she has a loose perm

How can i get my hair like this !?! LINK INSIDE?

after you shower scrunch hair with bare hands.. no product... let dry wavy... part whereever youd like...

How can i get my hair like this !?! LINK INSIDE?

take shower at night, put some mousse in it and then put it in a bun. Take it out in the morning and style it the way you want it and spray hairspray.

How can i get my hair like this !?! LINK INSIDE?

me too i have naturally curly hair i use gell its from paul mitchell its like roound Trip its reallly good then I use a tiny bit of a thick cream almost like toothpaste its from Garnier Fructis and its really thick it comes in a circle container so mix both of those then work it trhough your hair then comb to distrubute evenly then just scrunch scrunch scrunch for a while for like 5 myb 10 min to give you that beauiful curl then just finish styling your hair and throughout the day you can just scrunch your hair every so often

hope i helped it works really well just practic b4 school starts

How can i get my hair like this !?! LINK INSIDE?

The link wouldn't load on my computer, but I know Kate Hudson's style, and I think this would help you achieve that. Bed Head has a new hair line out, and I recently saw this and was considering getting it, it's supposed to get you that look.

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