Monday, April 23, 2012

I am of African descent and I have braid extensions in my straightened hair.?

How soon after removing the extensions can i chemically treat my hair (straighten). I plan to keep the extensions for nine weeks. Wanted to give my hair a rest from the chemicals. Serious answers please.

I am of African descent and I have braid extensions in my straightened hair.?

if there isnt damage from the braids, then as soon as you like. Personally i would reccomend waiting 2 weeks, and you should baby your hair for this period, but it isnt necessary. You do need to wait after getting a relaxer to get braids again tho. your hair is very fragile after a relaxer. It needs time to regain some strength after the process, not much before it assuming you hair is in decent condition to have it done. If you have breakage from the braids, get a different braider and dont get them till you have your hair healthy again. If there is no damage you could get the relaxer the same day, but i would advise using 2 weeks of protein treatments and moisturizers to give your hair an extra boost before the relaxer, and follow up with that same protein/moisture treatment for a few weeks after the relaxer, to replenish the protein lost in the relaxing process *its normal to loose some protein, that what relaxers do, they break the protein responsible for curls, so you need to heal that protein, but since its relaxed it will heal in a straight configuration.

I am of African descent and I have braid extensions in my straightened hair.?

You should wait about 2 weeks and deep condition your hair before you do it.

I am of African descent and I have braid extensions in my straightened hair.?

I'd say a week after or so would be fine.

I am of African descent and I have braid extensions in my straightened hair.?

I'm African American 2 my family just wait for about a week and then they treat it or straighten it or just go 2 DA beautician and see

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