Monday, April 23, 2012

Tips to keep healthy growing hair?

Okay, im black and my hair is very wavvyyy!! a little over my two neck bones.

this is what i have been doing to keep my hair healthy and keep it growing ...

- braiding it every night and wrapping it before i go to bed.

- protein oils so it'll stay moisturized.

- i keep it in a pony tail cuz its too frizzy ....

- i only straighten it for special occasions, like once a month

- i use pantene pro - v 2 in 1.. once a week.

- and i comb it every morning and night.

well the thing is i just want some tips to help my hair growing a lilttle faster without taking pills .... and stuff like that. I want something i can do at home like a remedy??! ...

i want my hiar to grow a normal rate by next november ...

which is 6 inches a yr....

or u can tell me what kind of shampoo that might make my hair grow faster too.

and uhm i only want answers from people who have experienced the remedy or shampoo themselves. thank you ... - uriah.

Tips to keep healthy growing hair?

if u want ur hair to be healthy.. use oil.. everytime when u going to wash ur hair.. just put oil on ur hair and sit half hour than wash is good!!! It helps trust me :)

Tips to keep healthy growing hair?

Your hair will actually grow faster if you take a really good vitamin. I used to have problems with my hair and nails, but then once I started taking a really good liquid vitamin, they started to grow much faster and weren't brittle. If your hair is growing less than 6 inches a year, perhaps that's a problem you may have (your body may be lacking in whatever vitamin or mineral helps to grow hair).

I've also heard that massaging your head helps to stimulate the scalp, which helps hair to grow.... and that putting your hair in ponytails all the time can cause your hair to break.

Tips to keep healthy growing hair?

Hair is made from protein, so try eating protein rich food like eggs, fish and reduce the stress in your daily life. More tips at

Tips to keep healthy growing hair?

Well i can tell you that you can't really rush something like that cause it really takes time but,to keep your heathy and clean make sure you wash it every two or one week that helps alot also to make it grow keep doing what you are with the braids cause it really helps your hair to grow out cause i use to do it alot before i got a perm so try to do that but like i said you can't really rush things like that basicly depending on the type of person and hair you have.sloppy but you know what i mean!

Tips to keep healthy growing hair?

Even though you're only using it once a week, stop using the Pantene. It's really bad for your hair. The alcohols in it dry out your hair and it only coats your hair so you get wax build up. Try Dove Advanced Care Therapy shampoo and conditioner. I use it and I love it. You can still use it once a week if that works for you. Once a month, in place of your conditioner, use Got2b Hottie Deep Rescue Conditioner. It's amazing and it keeps hair soft and moisturized.

What you do now sounds good (except the Pantene). That's good that you only straighten it once a month, but when you do make sure you use a good heat protectant. I really love TRESemme Thermal Creations Heat Tamer Protective Spray.

Drinking alot of water and eating helathy foods also helps it grow. Exercising often also helps keep hair healthy. Your overall health is shown in your hair: rather healthy person=healthy looking hair, not so healthy person=bad looking hair. Getting 1/2 inch trimmed off every 2 months keeps it growing. Good luck!! =)

Tips to keep healthy growing hair?

Lavender oil has been shown to increase hair growth so massage the oil once a week and soak for 30 minutes before washing. Try http://solutionsforhairgrowth.blogspot.c... for more details.

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